Get the most out of your Consul datacenter with advanced operations such as advanced networking, ops automation, security, outage recovery, and troubleshooting.
Upgrade your federated Consul datacenters without downtime and ensuring federation and ACL replication is mantained.
Use Autopilot features to monitor the Raft cluster, introduce stable servers, and clean up dead servers.
Automate Upgrades with Consul Enterprise
Upgrade your Consul datacenters without downtime using automated upgrades. This functionally is provided through the Enterprise feature of autopilot.
Provide fault tolerance with redundancy zones
Use Consul’s redundancy zones to provide high availability in the case of server failure through the Enterprise feature of autopilot.
Disaster recovery for Consul clusters
Understand how to recover from a Consul outage due to a majority of server nodes in a datacenter being lost.
Disaster recovery for federated primary datacenter
Recover from losing the primary datacenter in a federated environment.
Federate Multiple Datacenters with Network Areas
Use network areas for advanced datacenter federation. Network areas specify a relationship between a pair of Consul datacenters.
Add & Remove Consul Servers
There are several methods for adding or removing servers from the Consul datacenter. Learn the best practices for each method.
Troubleshoot Common Consul Issues
Find and fix problems with your Consul datacenter using built-in and external tools.
Common Consul Error Messages
Find solutions to common error messages when working with Consul.
Rotate Gossip Encryption Keys in Consul
Rotate gossip encryption keys in your Consul datacenter to keep datacenter secure.
Authenticate Users with Single Sign-On (SSO) and Auth0
Use Auth0 as an OIDC auth method in Consul Enterprise for single sign-on (SSO).
Capture Consul Events with Audit Logging
Ensure regulatory and organizational compliance by capturing event data with Consul audit logging.
Use hcdiag with Consul
Use the hcdiag tool to gather important Consul server operational data for troubleshooting.
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